Digital Culture

 Digital Culture; Briefing in Week 6 – 10/03/2017

Deliverables:  4000 word illustrated digital essay (100%)

What you need to do:

Choose one question from the list of digital culture below and write a 4000 word illustrated response that follows the structure of an essay. You are expected to base your answer on the essential and further reading. You are expected to do independent research and support your argument with relevant additional sources. The essay should have at least 7 academic sources.

You are required to illustrate your digital culture essay using visual material, sourced independently from contemporary digital culture platforms (websites, apps, games, social media – as screenshots, videos of any type, still images and sound, news articles and other text-based media, hyperlinks). In the essay questions, these will be referred to as “audiovisual material.”

You will be submitting your illustrated essay on e-Folio, the university blog platform. Please make sure that you make full use of the affordances of this online space (make sure any audiovisual material and links are displayed correctly and comprehensively).

Depending on the question you select, you need to find one or two examples or a case study to discuss. You are encouraged to find examples, which are relevant to the course, the question selected, and to your particular theoretical and practice interests. You have been provided below with a suggested essay map that you might want to adapt.

The assignment MUST be uploaded through TurnitIn (as PDF or Word) and on E-Folio (as a Page on your blogs). You must email your correct E-Folio link to this page to the student office by the deadline.