
You are required to complete a Report based on participation in The Intercultural Stakeholder Engagement Simulation. This is a work-related business simulation, in which you will participate as part of a small Student team.
In this simulation, you have just been appointed as the head of a project to complete the provision of hydro-electric energy in Laos. Your task will be to obtain as much support as possible from your boss and the 12 stakeholders for the development plan, while – at the same time – creating value for your company.
Your success will be judged on:
(a) The value created by the project for your company, measured by profitability; and (b) a Sustainable Business Practices score, measured by the stakeholders€™ weighted opinions.
The simulation provides work-related learning in the important areas of stakeholder management, decision-marking, and problem-solving, as well as giving Students practical experience of time management, teamwork and conflict resolution.
The objectives of the Simulation are to submit a proposal for construction, having made decisions and considered the impact of these business decisions on the environment and how they have impacted your stakeholders€™ perceptions and opinions of your decision-making.
This requires consideration of:
a. Balancing the economic and financial impact of your decisions on the company and the need for stakeholder support;
b. Profiling and prioritizing the key stakeholders;
c. Planning, using and adapting a communication strategy; and
d. Understanding of the drivers of individual behavior.
Assignment Task
You are to write a Project Report which must focus on the following.
1. A brief background and context of a Simulaton, and the task and objectives that require decision-making and stakeholder engagement; (300 Words)
2. Demonstrate how interaction with the Simulaton program was organized; (300 Words)
3. Assess the decisions made within the Simulation and the feedback gained from the Simulation â€dashboard€ about stakeholders€™ perceptions and opinions (preparation, data collection and analysis); (400 Words)
4. Discuss the skills that you developed interacting with the Simulation; (400 Words)
5. Analyze and evaluate the decisions made, and the problems requiring solutions and the options that were taken, or not taken, by the Simulaton decision-making process; (400 Words)
6. What learning you took from the Simulation (400 Words)

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