Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
1.The Brontë sisters published their novels under the pseudonyms Currer Bell, Ellis Bell, and Acton Bell. Why do you think they chose to publish their works under male pseudonyms? Today, under what conditions would a writer choose to write or publish under a pseudonym?

2.Wuthering Heights has qualities of a gothic novel, but it also differs from examples of that genre. Based on the video you saw and the lesson’s reading, describe some traits of the novel that are gothic and some that are not typical of that genre.
Sample Answer:
The following aspects of Wuthering Heights conform to the traits of a gothic novel:
the setting of the windswept moors, with a gloomy, dark atmosphere that pervades the manor Wuthering Heights
supernatural events, such as sightings of Catherine’s ghost by Lockwood and Heathcliff
violence depicted in Lockwood’s nightmare, in which the ghost-child’s hand is rubbed against the broken windowpane until it bleeds
a sense of mystery evoked by the gloomy, brooding landscape and Heathcliff’s strange behavior
The following elements do not fit into the gothic genre:
a realistic portrayal of the class differences in nineteenth-century England, as reflected in Hindley’s behavior toward Heathcliff
the rise of the moneyed middle class as a result of the Industrial Revolution, as portrayed by Heathcliff’s transformation to a wealthy gentleman
a somewhat happy ending, with the death of Heathcliff and the marriage of the younger Catherine and Hareton, who become the owners of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange

Part A
3.Briefly describe each of the characters in the table and the relationships among them. Some of the characters appear in chapter 6 of the novel, which you’ve read; others are described in the video you watched. You can also do online research to find out more about the characters.

Characters Descriptions
1. Heathcliff
5. Edgar
8. Nelly

Part B
The two manors, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, symbolize various dichotomies that define the novel. Describe how the manors and their residents express and sustain this key dichotomy in the chapter that you read. Support your answer with quotes from the chapter.

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