BMG 330 Organization Behaviour & Theory

BMG 330 Organization Behaviour & Theory Students should remember that they are required to participate in classroom activities. Failure to attend class will result in lowering your ability to participate. Important: A student who misses more than eight classes is in danger of losing their participation points. You are a student first, if you are having problems, see the professor. Assignments: 1. Midterm Exam on Wednesday 2 See help here….

Students should remember that they are required to participate in classroom activities. Failure to attend class will result in lowering your ability to participate. Seek Help here: Students should remember that they are required to participate in classroom activities. Failure to attend class will result in lowering your ability to participate. Seek Help here:

Important: A student who misses more than eight classes is in danger of losing their participation points. You are a student first, if you are having problems, see theImportant: A student who misses more than eight classes is in danger of losing their participation points. You are a student first, if you are having problems seek help here:

Assignments: 1. Midterm Exam on Wednesday 2. Discussion Questions: No questions this week due to fall break and midterm. (STUDY) 3. Conclusions: No weekly conclusion is required this week because we did not cover any new material. (Short week due to midterm review and fall break). All students will receive the points for DQ’s and WC for week eight.