At US Research Writers we make sure to provide solid guarantees based on our policies, terms and conditions. All our customers are equally protected by transparent Money Back Guarantee, Revision Policy, Privacy Policy, Plagiarism-Free Guarantee, Terms and Conditions. Knowing your rights and guarantees is an important rule, so we encourage all our customers to get acquainted and regularly stay updated with any changes in our policies.

Money Back Guarantee
Our Money Back Guarantee gives you the right to request and receive a refund at any stage of your order, if anything goes wrong. This includes any possible problems you might encounter, and secures your interests. Our company enjoys a high customer satisfaction rate, while refund requests are rare, which is partly due to our crystal-clear Money Back Guarantee. Quality-based refund requests are reviewed by our specialists and processed within a 14 day period, all other refund requests are processed within 3-4 business days.

Revision Policy
At Get a Custom Paper, we take pride in providing high-quality academic assistance. We are always ready to revise your paper if it does not entirely meet your expectations.

Privacy Policy
The following statement explains our policy regarding the personal information we collect when you visit the Get a custom Paper web site US Research Writers. This information is used to improve the content of our web pages, to customize the content and/or layout of our page. We never sell, rent or share any of the information we collect by this method (except anonymous aggregate information) with any third party.
Plagiarism-Free Guarantee
At US Research Writers we check each paper for plagiarism before returning it to our customers, in order to be sure of the originality of our writers’ work. Each paper is checked for uniqueness using specially designed plagiarism detection software. We constantly upgrade this software to make certain it provides the most reliable results.